Contact Us for Courier Service In and Around Columbus Ohio and Shipping Services Beyond.

Contact Us

We provide Courier Service in Columbus Ohio, ground shipping in 48 States & Canada, as well as air shipping transportation solutions worldwide.

Contact Info


777 Frank Rd, Bldg. 250
Columbus, OH 43223

Office Hours

M-F: 7am – 6pm
On Call 24/7


Get in Touch

Get In Touch

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Do you provide more than courier service in and around Columbus Ohio?

Yes.  We are a full-service shipping and delivery logistics company.

Are you fully insured to handle shipments?

Yes we are fully insured to handle any shipment criteria.

Can you handle dangerous and/or hazardous material transportation?

Yes. Please include all information when requesting a quote.

“When Time is Critical… Whether Your Shipment is Large or Small, Call Buckeye Express Logistics Services.”